Did you hear that LinkedIn recently bought the platform Newsle? Do you know what a Newsle is? Do you care? You should if you fall into one of two groups: 1. You are using social media, including LinkedIn, to build your practice. 2. You aren’t using LinkedIn like you should, but you are looking for […]
The Story of my Success (So Far)
This article originally ran at Firmology.com. Y0u can find it here. ******** June 6, 1997. There’s a common thought that the most important moments in your life happen without you realizing their meaning at the time. That’s certainly true with one of the turning points in my career. I didn’t know it, but that day […]
How Stand-Up Comedy Can Help You Sell and Influence
This article originally appeared at Firmology.com. Read the whole article here. ******* Do you want to get better at persuading people? My guess is that you do because whether you are a salesperson selling a product, an entrepreneur courting an investor, or a business owner convincing your team about your vision, your success hinges on […]
Make Your Next Business Meeting Better with LinkedIn
This article originally appeared at Firmology. Read the full article here! You did it. You got the meeting that you’ve been pursuing for months with a prospective client, business partner, or investor. You’ve got your pitch rehearsed and your presentation rocks. You’ve got your best outfit back from the cleaners. You are ready to go. […]
Your Passion is A Problem (When You’re Selling)
This article originally ran at Firmology.com. Check out the full article here! Passion is good – especially when you are running the show. When I meet a business owner or entrepreneur who isn’t excited and confident about what they are doing, I know that the company is heading for tough times. There are so many […]
Introductions Work on LinkedIn
This article originally ran at theDigitalFA. You can visit it here; and be sure to check out the site – it’s full of great ideas on building a digital presence for financial professionals (and the rest of us). People often think that the power of your LinkedIn network is your direct connections. But actually, […]
One of the Best Time Management Tools I’ve Found
I recently visited the Zen Garden at the Chicago Botanic Gardens, and found it a profoundly calming experience. Like many of us, I find myself bouncing around from activity to activity during the day; and my mind is usually even more frantic as it works on what I need to do in the future, what […]
Why I Think it’s Dumb to Not Use Business Cards
I was at a conference sponsored by a large high-tech firm, and because they were a high-tech firm, they were going to be fancy and high-tech and put QR codes on everyone’s namebadge with their contact info. In theory, you would scan the QR code with your smartphone and download their info directly and this […]
The Sales Truth I Learned Managing a Band
When I was a younger (and hopefully cooler) man, I played in a band called The Jesters. I started the band with my friend Jim, and we split the duties – he would work on the music and I would get us gigs. Here’s what I learned that would help me sell in every other […]
3 Keys to Creating a Great Sales Contest
I’ve coached a lot of sales managers and leaders on how to drive business with their teams. One of the most common tools they reach for is the sales contest. They tend to think that a good sales contest is the panacea for all their issues – that the only thing keeping their people from […]