This article originally ran at Y0u can find it here. ******** June 6, 1997. There’s a common thought that the most important moments in your life happen without you realizing their meaning at the time. That’s certainly true with one of the turning points in my career. I didn’t know it, but that day […]
You Can’t Do Anything You Put Your Mind To
This article was first published on You can find it here! ******** No matter how badly you want to, you can’t do anything you put your mind to. Sorry. It’s a dangerous myth that we often hear when we are children. We are told constantly that “you can do anything you put your mind […]
Why Was That Brilliant?
Some of the most useful (and entertaining) professional development classes I’ve ever taken have been improv-comedy classes. Besides making me a little less unfunny at parties, I’ve learned some powerful and practical communication skills in these classes. One of them came from a brilliant teacher, Tim Whetham. (He was the teacher who pointed out on the first day […]