This article originally appeared at theDigitalFA. You can find it here. ******** An on-going concern for financial professionals is how to walk the line between sharing too much and too little of themselves through their social media presence. It can be challenging to find the perfect balance point between keeping it professional and giving your […]
Why You Should Care that LinkedIn bought Newsle
Did you hear that LinkedIn recently bought the platform Newsle? Do you know what a Newsle is? Do you care? You should if you fall into one of two groups: 1. You are using social media, including LinkedIn, to build your practice. 2. You aren’t using LinkedIn like you should, but you are looking for […]
Don’t Waste Time Worrying about Your Social Media Permanent Record
This article first ran at You can find it here. ******** I used to have an earring when I was in my early twenties. A big, fat, silver hoop. My father had always said that I couldn’t have one while I lived under his roof. That was fine. I just waited until I was […]
Is is Time to Upgrade Your LinkedIn Account to Premium?
This article first ran at You can find it here. ******** One of the common questions that I hear when working with financial advisors (and pretty much every other stripe of professional) is, “Should I pay to upgrade to the premium LinkedIn account?” It’s a great question and one that doesn’t necessarily have a […]
Help! I Don’t Have Any Experience! (LinkedIn Profile Advice for Millenials)
If you are a recent college grad, have at some point been a college grad, or have ever tried to get your first job, then you’ve probably run into the circular trap that hits most young people when they enter the job market, “How can I get the experience I need to be qualified for […]
Going Old School for Social Media Success
Have you been completely overwhelmed by social media yet? It seems like there’s a new platform popping up every day, the established sites are constantly adding features, and the experts keep telling you a new way that you are supposed to be using it. There are always new widgets, new buttons, and new functions. It […]
How Can You Get More People to See Your LinkedIn Posts?
So I’m having an early morning breakfast at a hotel where I’m speaking that day for a group of financial advisers. I strike up a conversation with the guy sitting at the next table and it turns out that he is attending the conference. He shares that he’s been in the business for 20 years […]
Don’t Worry about Keywords on Your LinkedIn Profile
This article originally ran at theDigitalFA. You can visit it here and be sure to check out the site – it’s full of great ideas on building a digital presence for financial professionals. —— I’m always looking for a few good tips on improving the LinkedIn profile (and I want to keep tabs on what […]
You Should be Sharing Photos in LinkedIn Status Updates! Here’s Why (and How)!
This was a view from my hotel room at a speaking engagement. A little more engaging than posting on LinkedIn “I’m speaking at a conference in Mexico“, right? Many of the professionals I train are resistant to social media (to put it lightly) because they think it’s simply a way for people to waste time. […]
Niches are important
I’m going to let you eavesdrop on a conversation I’ve had with hundreds of people in the last few years while talking about networking and their social media presence: Me: “So who are your ideal clients? Who’s the target market you want to work with?” Really Well-Meaning Professional: “Everyone! Which is why I’m totally confused […]