This article originally ran at theDigitalFA. You can visit it here, and be sure to check out the site – it’s full of great ideas on building a digital presence for financial professionals (and the rest of us). Financial professionals have always considered themselves to be in the relationship business. The image of the small […]
The First Person vs the Third Person LinkedIn Profile
Because social media and LinkedIn are so new, we’re still developing some basic standards on how to write our profiles. One question that has come up frequently in my years as a LinkedIn trainer is on what perspective should be used when writing the profile. Should you use the first-person or the third-person when crafting […]
3 Ways to Rock Your Second-Half Networking
Ah, July. We’re all sitting on a beach, enjoying the summer. But soon the fall will be here and with it the mad dash to accomplish our 2012 goals. Make it easier on yourself by having your network poised to help you as the weather starts to cool. Here are three ways you can […]